I was checking the unlock requirements for cards past illuminate, snow squall, mining engineer, control whip and bomber, at which I am currently stuck.
All of the above required me to win x amount of multiplayer games to unlock them, and I checked the wiki to see if the cards past those are equally as laborious.
Every single page said stuff like "deal damage with x" or "cast x x amount of times", so I was pretty happy that, after those, I won't be forced to play multiplayer, dragging my teammate or my rank down with cards I hate using.
Anyways, after I skipped illuminate with gems, these are the requirements I was met with:
Unless something is very wrong with my reading skill, that does not say "cast illuminate x times".
Is this wiki being updated at all, can I trust it to be accurate? Because, judging by this, I'm pretty sure you have to update all of the cards' unlock requirements.