Passive Heal and Cure is a passive ability provided to all Chaos units, as well as certain other units.
Stick War II: Order Empire/Stick Empires[]
All Chaos Units will passively regain health slowly, periodically restoring 3.3% of their health. This healing occurs at all times, even in combat and while moving. Additionally, Chaos units will be automatically be cured of poison after 500 frames (16.67 seconds). However, it is still possible for a Chaos unit with low health to die from poison before it is automatically cured, as some poisons can do more damage than Passive Heal regenerates on weaker units. Applying poison before the auto cure does not delay it.
Stick War: Legacy[]
Passive healing is given to user-controlled units, restoring 10 health every 5 seconds. The cooldown between ticks is tied to the player, and not each individual unit, so taking control of a new unit will carry over the remaining cooldown, and it will count down while not controlling a unit. This healing will cure poison.
The player's Statue will also restore 5 health every few seconds if the player equips the same unlockable Skin on all units. All varieties of Deads, including the Deadkai and Kai Rider, do not have passive healing.
Stick War: Saga[]
Passive Heal is available to all Chaos units and restores a fixed 6 health every 5 seconds. As per the updated mechanics, the healing itself will remove poison and other status effects after enough health has been restored.
Generals (except King Zarek and Marrowkai) have a stronger passive heal that restores 10 health per tick. The Marrowkai instead has the Chaos unit passive healing and the ability to steal 5 health from a nearby friendly Dead every 2 seconds.