In lieu of the User Control system of the other games, Stick War II: Order Empire and Stick Empires introduces the ability to give commands to individual units or groups of units. A similar system was reinstated in Stick War III, in addition to the return of the user control system of the previous games.
In Stick War II and Stick Empires[]
Stick War II and Stick Empires use a control scheme similar to most Real-Time Strategy games. The mouse is used to select units, which can then be given orders via the command card, the mouse, or through associated hotkeys.
- Left-clicking a unit selects that unit.
- Double-clicking a unit selects all units of that type that are not garrisoned.
- Left-clicking the ground and holding allows the player to draw a box by dragging the mouse, selecting all units in the box when the mouse button is released.
- Spacebar selects all combat units that are not garrisoned.
- Ctrl + a number key selects all units trained by that key (for example, when playing as Order, Ctrl + 2 selects all of the player's Swordwrath).
After selecting a unit(s), the following commands can be given to it/them (hotkeys or mouse clicks given in parentheses):
- Mine (right-click on a mine): Orders economy units to mine.
- Pray (right-click on Statue): Orders economy units to pray.
- Move (M + left-click, right-clicking the ground): Move to the targeted location. Can be given by pressing M and then left-clicking the ground, or by right-clicking the ground.
- Attack-Move (A + left-clicking the ground): Move to the targeted location, attacking any enemy units encountered.
- Attack (A + left-click an enemy, right-click an enemy): Attack the targeted enemy, moving into range if applicable.
- Stand (S): Cancels existing orders and commands the unit to remain in place. They will move a limited distance to attack enemies.
- Hold position (H): Similar to the Stand command, but the unit will not move to engage enemies.
- Garrison (G): Orders unit(s) to garrison in the castle.
- Un-Garrison (U): Orders unit(s) to un-garrison from the castle.
- Abilities (Q,W,E): Hotkey for abilities. Keys correspond to the ability placement in the menu.
In Stick War III[]
Unit commands in this game are given through an interface above a selected unit, containing two command cards. The larger command card gives orders to that unit only, while the upper, smaller command card allows the player to give a command to all units of that type. If giving a command to all units of the selected unit's type, the command given is retroactive and will apply to units trained after the command is given.
The following commands can be given:
- Gold: Orders economy units to mine Gold.
- Crystal: Orders economy units to mine Crystal.
- Attack: Orders the unit(s) to move toward the enemy statue, attacking all enemy units they encounter.
- Hold Position: Orders the unit to remain in position. A unit ordered to hold position will move a limited range to engage enemies. If this command is given to all units of the selected unit's type, those units will hold position at the location of the selected unit.
- Garrison: Orders the unit(s) to garrison inside the player's castle.
- User Control: Takes control of the selected unit.